Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct

1. All Parents are requested to follow the school Almanac, List of holidays & SMS facility.
2. The parents of selected candidates are required to deposit the fee as per schedule failing which the seat is treated as vacant & is offered to the next candidate in the waiting List.
3. The principal reserves the right to deny/cancel admission to any candidate without assigning any reason.
4. Students & their parents should observe punctuality which is an important aspect of personality development.

5. The student should maintain cleanliness & discipline.
6. Children must not be sent with toys, money, ornaments etc. The school will not be responsible if any of these articles are lost. Fee money must not be given to students.
7. All the parents & students are requested to follow the school rules.
8. Student must carry his/her almanac to school every day .it must have his/her photograph and identification information complete and signed by parents.
9. No leave shall be granted / sanctioned on Marriage / Family function during the Examination.
10. Guardian – I- Card is Compulsory for all parents who don’t avail school Transport.
11. Extra Civil Dress has to be sent along with Your Ward on daily basis.
12. Your Ward Should Carry Lunch Box according to the Menu.
13. Students should be neatly dressed the school uniform in to be worn on all working days strict action will be taken against students who do not adhere to the uniform norms of the school.
14. No low waist (skirts/trousers)are permitted
15. Shirts should be properly tucked in
16. Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals
17. No spikes /streaks are permitted
18. The boys in senior classes need to Shave at regular intervals
19. Girls should plait their hair if it is below their shoulder short hair should be neatly cut & pinned
20. Students are expected to respect the property of others thin includes respect for school property. No students should damage any school furniture write or draw any thing on walls ,furniture or in any way damage things that belong to others damage done, even by accident should be reported at once to the class teachers or the principal any damage done will be made good by the one who causes it.
21. The school in not responsible for gods lost it in advisable not to bring valuable articles
22. Students are not to wear any Jewellery to school (eg. Chains, Rings, Bangles, Bracelets Etc.) girls may wear only, one pair of ear rings or studs
23. The school reserves right to suspend or take strict disciplinary action against a students whose diligence or progress in studied in constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct in harmful to others
24. As for as possible once a child has come to school he/she should not be taken home on half day leave no short leaves will be granted under any circumstances on weekly test days.
25. Students are expected to maintain discipline while travelling in school bus.
26. The observance of rule of discipline of the school & good behavior is an essential Condition to a student's continuances in the school. In case a student violates the school rules or indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict action like expulsion / suspension / restriction shall be taken against the student.
27. Parents are not allowed to shout or speak loudly or use abusive language of derogatory remarks within the premises for any members of the staff or management else strict action shall be taken accordingly.
28. Parents & guardians of the student are requested to co-operate with School authorities by enforcing regularity & Discipline.
